My personal and professional recommendation

There are some good candidates and there are a few unqualified candidates in the upcoming USCF Executive Board Election.
I asked these 3 top notch people to join me in reforming US Chess and the USCF! Here are my reasons:
Paul Truong: One of the most important pieces of the puzzle for a new USCF! The USCF has never had anyone who understands Chess Marketing & PR and who has the knowledge, proven experience, desire, passion and determination to promote chess positively. In my opinion, Paul is by far the #1 Chess Marketing & PR guy in the United States and perhaps one of the best in the world. By promoting the image of chess and the USCF properly, it will open many doors to new opportunities including more needed revenues and recognition for our sport. Without this vital aspect, chess will go nowhere. We will just be bickering about how to save money and cut services to our members as usual.
In addition to these skills, Paul is also an individual with the highest level of integrity and professionalism. Paul is a proven winner and he has succeeded in every project that he was involved with, including the historic 2004 US Women's Olympiad Training Program and the 2004 US Women's Olympiad Team that brought home the first 4 ever medals (2 Gold and 2 Silver). He is also a USCF Life Member, Life Master and FIDE Master with multiple National Championships under his belt.
Mikhail Korenman: A very important piece of the puzzle for a new USCF! For a long time, there has been too much bickering and animosity among various membership groups such as Scholastic, Adult, Internet, College, etc. Mikhail is a person that can help bridge that gap. He has successful organized big events that involved all these groups. Without unity, the USCF cannot survive.
Some of his major events include Chess for Peace with former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, Anatoly Karpov and me, the US Junior Open, the US Junior Invitational, Lindsborg Open, Lindsborg Invitational and Pan American Intercollegiate, etc.
Mikhail is also another individual with strong morals, integrity and honesty. He is another proven winner! We need someone like Mikhail on board.
Randy Bauer: Another very important piece of the puzzle for a new USCF. Finance is his expertise. While Randy was on the Executive Board a few years ago, the USCF achieved a balanced budget. Randy is committed to honest finances and improved services for USCF members and will provide seasoned, sensible leadership on the Executive Board.
Randy has over 20 years professional experience in budget and finance, including nearly 7 years as budget director for the State of Iowa. During that time, the State received multiple national awards for innovation and excellence in its budget processes and financial reporting.
He has been actively involved as a chess player, coach, director, writer, editor, and elected state and national representative for over 30 years. He is a life member of the USCF, a national master, former Iowa state champion and Minnesota junior, junior high and senior high champion. As a competitor, he has won over 30 Grand Prix tournaments.
We need someone like Randy to work with Mr. Joel Channing, the current VP of Finance to make sure that we have a sound budget. I am confident that we can do it with their incredible experience and expertise in this area.
Summary: I strongly recommend the 3 people who can promote chess and the USCF properly to maintain and enhance our visibility and revenues, unite the memberships to keep our current members and bring in new ones and to keep our finances sound and strong.
These are all critical areas that the USCF desperately needs NOW. We cannot afford destructive chess politics as usual. This is why we need the right team to make the right things happen for US Chess and the USCF!
Thank you for your support!
In an unofficial poll created by a USCF member, here are the results:
1. Polgar 2. Bauer 3. Truong 4. Korenman
5. Jones 6. Schultz 7. Lux 8. Berry
9. Goodall 10. Sloan

Labels: Bauer, Election, Korenman, Polgar, Susan Polgar, Truong, USCF
At Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:43:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
It would be cool if people printed this out and distributed it at local tournaments they attend. I know a lot of USCF members aren't as Internet save as the readers here. It would be a good opposrtunity to reach untapped voters.
It would also act as a reminder for the election. I, myself, did not vote last year because I didn't even know there was an election!
At Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:44:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
PS: I meant to say Internet savvy, not Internet save. :)
At Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:19:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is the International Master Renier Gonzalez from Miami, Florida. I was reading some of Susan's comments regarding the USCF elections, and I can’t agree more with her. We have had the same people on the USCF for over 20 years, just switching position on the board from election to election, and we haven't seen anything good yet, with a few exceptions of course. I completely support the 4 members she proposed, Paul Truong, Mikhail Korenman, Randy Bauer, and herself. I have seen the great job they do to promote chess, with the exception of Mr. Bauer but have heard great opinions about him, and am pretty sure they will do their best in order to promote chess.
Renier Gonzalez
Chess International Master
At Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:42:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is one piece of hard data about that internet poll. It is important to this blog and to the Polgar Campaign operation.
That is that a little over 200 people voted. That was all. Opinion on all sides that someone hacked into the poll after that and skewed the results. The reported results on this post are pre hacking.
I note that there were 70 odd votes before the news of the poll was posted onto the Polgar blogs. That means that the Polgar blogs between them generated about 140 votes in one day's activity.
This is a little alarming to me. I had thought that with all the activity and excitement, these blogs would be able to generate many more votes than that.
Note that if people can't vote when all they have to do is click, then how much more of hurdle is it going to be when they have to fill out a paper ballot and mail it in?
This ought to be a wake up call for the Polgar get-out-the-vote Operation.
At Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:52:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't worry about it. At the 200 vote mark, Susan got 76 or 77% of all the votes. Randy got about 70%. Paul got about 55% and Mikhail got about 49%. Don and Stephen got around 30%, followed by Joe at 20%, Jim at 15%. Mike and SS got around 3%.
Susan and her team will win big. The best thing for Schultz, Jim, Joe and Stephen to do is endorse the top 4. This way, the 2 nuts SS and Mike Goodall won't have a chance to hurt the USCF. But I doubt that these guys would care that much about the USCF. They want their own glory.
At Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:56:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sam Sloan cheated by creating his own poll and putting his name twice while deleting Mikhail Korenman's name. This show what kind of a pig Sloan is and artichoke will continue to sniff his behind.
At Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:04:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Looks like Sloan and co found a bunch of supporters. See the poll results again.
Ravi Kulkarni
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