Some people just do not get it

In the last few days, I have been bombarded by chess politicians trying to make a "political deal". The idea is for me not to give my recommendations to 2 of these candidates: Mr. Randy Bauer, Mr. Paul Truong and Mr. Mikhail Korenman.
In exchange, they will campaign for me and 1 of these above 3 candidates. Thank you for thinking of me but the answer is:
"No thank you! Not now! Not today! Not ever!"
I am not running for the Executive Board for my personal accomplishment or ego. I do not like chess politics. I do not have time to play political games. I decided to run because the USCF needs a lot of help.
The level of professionalism, integrity and credibility of the USCF has plummeted due to many poor, unethical and political decisions by some chess politicians. Too many USCF members are frustrated and lost trust in this federation.
I spent the last several years listening, talking and sharing ideas to tens and thousands of members and non-members of the USCF. Then I spent many months working on a comprehensive plan to help this federation as well as searching for the most qualified candidates with the highest level of integrity and professionalism.
The USCF needs qualified and passionate people who can bring on board a tremendous level of energy, expertise and experience. The last thing we need is more chess politicians with no understanding of the needs of the members to engage in more political games.
I am going full steam ahead. Even though there are a few very good candidates, I strongly believe that Mr. Paul Truong, Mr. Mikhail Korenman and Mr. Randy Bauer will play vital roles in helping the USCF!

At Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:31:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good post! Any deal that might even remotely be considered would have to be based upon Sam Sloan’s immediate resignation from the Board and withdrawal of his candidacy thereto. And even then, does anybody expect he would keep his word?
Anyway, I’m glad to see you’re getting back in control of the issues instead of reacting to them. We can all make suggestions for you, too. You may decide some suggestions are good and you may decide otherwise. But I expect that your campaign will respond on a time of your own choosing and in your own way. You don’t need to make deals and sign letters just because people say you should.
All in all, I think you’ve handled your campaign very astutely so far. There’s going to be speed bumps and glitches. Every campaign has them. But overall, good job.
At Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:46:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
David, I agree with you. The key word in my sentence was "remotely". I guess that the only consideration that would have been positive for such a deal would be that the immediate departure of SS would buy the USCF a half year of relative improvement, but yes I, too would be inclined against such a deal.
Great post my Susan; great response by you in my opinion (for what it's worth.)
At Monday, January 22, 2007 10:59:00 PM,
Bill Brock said…
Hello Susan
I was one of the people who privately suggested a deal (the details of which are inappropriate to repeat in a public forum, but was certainly better than the deal you describe). I was frankly unaware, though hardly surprised, that others were also floating proposals.
If one is dealing with honorable people (and there are a couple honorable people serving on the board now), then it might have been possible to do a deal that guaranteed that the interests of USCF would be advanced. (This is after all the highest concern of all potential fiduciaries.)
At the same time, I have the highest respect for your decision.
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