US Chess Discussion

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Jim Berry Candidate Statement

JIM BERRY 2007 Candidate Statement

FKB 2007 US CHAMPIONSHIP Tournament Director/Organizier

The Executive Board has had members who are lawyers, doctors, accountants, educators, and businessmen, but we have never had a member who is a banker. I am a banker. I will bring a real life understanding of money: its production, its uses, and its very nature. I sit on the board of directors of a 2 billion dollar bank NASDAQ: OKSB.

Income from dues needs to be spent wisely and judiciously. That’s what bankers do. I will insist that we set a USCF budget with care and then I promise not to allow that budget to be compromised. Some emergency monies will be part of that budget and there will be no surprises. I don’t like surprises. You don’t deserve surprises. All financial moves should be calculated…like in a chess game. My goal is to end each fiscal year with at least a slight surplus, to help our affiliates provide more activity for our members, to encourage the formation of affiliates in areas now lacking them, and to continue the recent increases in USCF membership.

Expenses incurred while serving on the Executive Board by Jim Berry will be paid out of my own pocket. I will accept no reimbursement for transportation, food, per diem……nothing……..nada.

Chess is my passion. The USCF needs both financial expertise and professionalism as well as an abiding love of chess, which it will get if you elect me. I am a US Military veteran (army), married 38 years (same gal), an active tournament player (227 events since 1991), active director (72 events since 1991) and I play golf four times a week. I support junior chess by coaching four recent Denker representatives from Oklahoma.

Below is a list of endorsees/supporters for my campaign. “In June my 41 cent stamp will be used to vote for Jim Berry.” US Champion GM Alexander Onischuk. “

Electing my friend Jim Berry will help all USCF members, not just the professional players.” US Open Champion GM Yury Shulman

“Jim Berry is the only candidate that I am campaigning for across the country.” IM John Donaldson

“Jim Berry will bring to the USCF Executive Board an unusual combination of qualifications: business experience, active player, director/organizer of many enjoyable and prestigious events.” Bill Goichberg

“Jim and Frank Berry are great lovers of chess, who have become legendary for the generosity and gracious hospitality enjoyed by those in their tournaments.” Jerry Hanken

US Womens Champion WGM Anna Zatonskih GM Gata Kamsky, WGM Rusa Goletiani, GM Sergy Kudrin, GM Alexander Stripunsky, GM Alexander Shabalov, IM Irina Krush, Bob Holliman, IM Ron Burnett, Joe Wagner, Tom Braunlich, Carl Haessler, Larry Cohen, Bill Orton, Ron Pasik, Tim Steiner, Tim McEntee, B. G. Dennison (B G has played tournament chess in 49 states. He wants me to go with him to Wyoming for his 50th because I played in his 1st tnmt (OK) 35 years ago.), Pieta Garrett (Denker 2004 Champ), Trevor Jackson (Denker 2005 Champ), Nelson Lopez (Denker 2006 Champ), Stephanie Pitcher (Polgar 2004).

I humbly ask for your vote. CHECKMATE! we all win. _________________ Jim Berry
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  • At Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well. given that I understand mr berry did not want to allow me to play via icc (if I paid 50,000 he would) I wonder if he is indeed interest in working with other patrons. Taking that out of it, what he did for the championship is gracious and well needed. I applaud him for that.

  • At Monday, May 14, 2007 2:59:00 PM, Blogger Eric V. Kirk said…

    So, can anybody tell me where I can read up on the issues of this election? I mean, like a neutral analysis?


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