US Chess Discussion

Welcome! This blog has no connection with the USCF. It's a blog where I provide chess fans with general information about US Chess as well as the USCF. It's also a site where everyone can productively discuss or ask questions about various USCF issues! Your contributions and comments are welcome! PLEASE KEEP IT CIVIL & RESPECT OTHERS! Enjoy! All posts that do not meet this guideline will be deleted -- WIN WITH GRACE, LOSE WITH DIGNITY!(TM) --- 2006 Susan Polgar©

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What can each candidate bring to the USCF?

The 10 candidates, in ballot order, are as follows:

1. Susan Polgar
2. Randy Bauer
3. Mike Goodall
4. Joe Lux
5. Sam Sloan
6. Stephen Jones
7. Paul Truong
8. Jim Berry
9. Don Schultz
10. Mikhail Korenman

The counting of the ballots will commence on Wednesday, July 25th, at the USCF offices in Crossville TN.

I do not like the shape the USCF is in right now. I feel that many changes must be made in order to turn the USCF into a strong, respected, efficient and viable organization. Therefore, it is critically important that the four most qualified candidates who can fill the needs of the USCF right now be elected. What expertise or qualifications can each candidate bring to the USCF if elected to the board?

I have asked this question many times but some just want to pursue the negative, petty, destructive or vigilante method.

I recently received some anonymous threatening email telling me to drop out of the election or else my family and I would be physically and financially harmed. Some made threats to go after the Susan Polgar Foundation by going to the NYS Attorney General's Office, State and Federal Tax Authorities as well as potential personal lawsuits.

Isn't chess politics grand?

No, I am not dropping out of this election. In fact, I intend to work harder to fix the USCF and I strongly recommend the following three candidates. I believe they can help fill the many weaknesses of this federation immediately. Here are my reasons:

FM Paul Truong: He is by far the most successful person in chess marketing, promotion, public relations and management. He can bring something to this federation that no one could in the past. He will also help fix many current weaknesses of the USCF and end the destructive chess politics.

Dr. Mikhail Korenman: He has a strong record in promoting and organizing major chess events. He’s a member of the USCF Scholastic Council. He is well respected by many people, including former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, 7-time World Champion Anatoly Karpov, and many others. He can help unite the USCF.

NM Randy Bauer: He has had tremendous success as the budget director of the state of Iowa, dealing with a multibillion dollar budget. We need his financial and budgeting expertise to help end massive losses.

Here are some of my areas of focus for the USCF:

- Restore respectability, integrity, credibility and professionalism to the USCF.
- Re-establish a sound and balanced budget.
- Develop strong cooperation and support for adult, scholastic, collegiate, correspondence and military chess.
- Establish a strong professional marketing and PR system.
- End the petty and destructive politics.

How can other candidates help the USCF? What are their positive qualities?
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  • At Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:23:00 AM, Blogger Steve in TN said…

    A couple favors, please.

    1) Please choose to be in or out of the USCF Forums. You keep coming in and fanning the flames of the attacks and then saying you will not be back until something is done about the attacks. Vacillating in this manner weakens your image and arms your attackers.

    2) Please tell us that you have forwarded the threatening communications to the proper legal authorities. Unless you have done so, it is pointless to point out that you have received such communications.

    Thank you,

  • At Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:28:00 AM, Blogger Chess Daily News said…


    I would love to stay out but what do I do when lies are told, threats are made and no actions are taken?

    To some, this may be politics. But what about my life and career?

    I have shown the email to friends of mine in the enforcement. They said not much can be done because it came from anonymous hotmail accounts.

    What does Vacillating mean?

    Best wishes,
    Susan Polgar


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