US Chess Discussion

Welcome! This blog has no connection with the USCF. It's a blog where I provide chess fans with general information about US Chess as well as the USCF. It's also a site where everyone can productively discuss or ask questions about various USCF issues! Your contributions and comments are welcome! PLEASE KEEP IT CIVIL & RESPECT OTHERS! Enjoy! All posts that do not meet this guideline will be deleted -- WIN WITH GRACE, LOSE WITH DIGNITY!(TM) --- 2006 Susan PolgarĀ©

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sitting board member censured

With the expiration of our five day voting period for votes by email, the following motion by Joel Channing has been approved by the USCF Executive Board by a vote of 5-0, with Sloan abstaining:

Based on the outrageous and unconscionable post to the USCF Forum by Sam Sloan on Tuesday March 6, 2007, in which he ridiculed an organization which has for many years been an important USCF sponsor, and which post contained a link to a pornographic website, the Board of Directors of the United States Chess Federation hereby declares that we find that Mr. Sloan's action is unthinkable and inexcusable for a director of this organization and we hereby declare vehemently that we find his action deplorable and we censure Mr. Sloan and we publicly disavow disassociate ourselves individually, and this organization collectively, of from any of his actions in this matter.

Bill Goichberg
USCF President
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