US Chess Discussion

Welcome! This blog has no connection with the USCF. It's a blog where I provide chess fans with general information about US Chess as well as the USCF. It's also a site where everyone can productively discuss or ask questions about various USCF issues! Your contributions and comments are welcome! PLEASE KEEP IT CIVIL & RESPECT OTHERS! Enjoy! All posts that do not meet this guideline will be deleted -- WIN WITH GRACE, LOSE WITH DIGNITY!(TM) --- 2006 Susan Polgar©

Monday, January 28, 2008

My request to the board majority

My request to the board majority

by SusanPolgar on Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:39 pm

I just officially asked USCF President Bill Goichberg to add to the next EB meeting the following 2 items:

- Investigation of leaks of confidential information by board members to their circle of friends
- Investigation of the alleged Jerry Hanken’s negotiation with Sam Sloan (at least twice) regarding the lawsuit using USCF confidential information

Mr. Hanken definitely does not speak for me or Paul and I seriously doubt that he speaks for Mr. Channing. I would like to know how he got the board confidential information (if the allegation is true) and who authorized him to negotiate with Sam Sloan while a $20 million lawsuit against the USCF and its board members is pending. Was the USCF attorney notified of this? Did the USCF attorney authorize this?

This is a long time problem for the USCF and it needs to stop once in forever. This is why I asked for full transparency from all 7 board members.

Both of these have serious legal consequences for the USCF and its board members. Therefore, we need to know where the leaks came from and we must take severe actions against the violators. I would publicly ask those board members to resign immediately.
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  • At Monday, February 11, 2008 1:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Only 3 board members speak to Jerry Hanken on a regular basis. They're Goichberg, Hough and Berry. Isn't it a coincidence that these 3 are on the same slate?


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